Friday, 29 June 2012

Coming soon...

Its been a bit of a hectic week, getting back to work, knitting up some orders and setting up an online store!  

I didn't realise how work much went into setting up a store! I have had to export my photos into various file formats, several times over, type out product descriptions, several times over, set up terms and conditions, several times over, keeping fingers crossed it doesn't crash out on me - several times over!!!  Then figuring out how it all works has proved to be quite a challenge that has run way past my bedtime - several times over!!!!!  EEEK!

But! Not much left to do now, so I should hopefully have the site up and running next week!  Just need to find some time to put my feet up and catch my breath before the next week rolls in!
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Sunday, 24 June 2012

A little time out...

After 2 weeks of annual leave, a little break into the country side with some close friends, I call family, I am back to the surreal world of nine to five's, nursery drop offs, hoovering, laundry, ironing and cooking. Somewhere between all that I still need to find time for knitting, taking some very scary looking photographs of these items and posting them on here!  All that somehow manages to come together, what takes me an age is to write something to go with the post!

So I am hoping the new items that I have been working on will do the talking instead!

New to Prettiknit are mini blankets.   These are approximately 30" x 20".  They are thicker and have a closer knit than the Whimsical Wraps. They are lovely and soft, extremely cuddly with loads of texture.

I have also created a few new headbands! These have a lovely little rose with a sparkly diamanté centre on a cloud of tulle.  So pretty!  

Precious Rose Newborn Headband
Aubergine, Celestial and Mint

So much more to post... so please come back soon!
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Wednesday, 6 June 2012

Natasha Wiening Photography

It was June 2010, I was 34 weeks pregnant, when I met Natasha Wiening.  I wanted memories that would capture the beauty and wonderful sense of excitement and expectancy that my husband and I were feeling with the arrival of our precious bundle just a few weeks away. With her friendly personality and warm atmosphere,  what she managed to capture in our photos will always remind us of our journey of joy and absolute love for a teeny tiny little person we were yet to meet.  Photos that we will treasure forever...  what I did not expect was several months later I'd meet up with Natasha again, but this time not for photos, but to knit her a few photography props for those beautiful little newborns that she is so blessed to have in her studio.

It has been such a rewarding experience to see the knits I have lovingly made,  on those little angels captured so beautifully.  I also have the privilege to show you some of these photography props in action, all these gorgeous photographs have been taken by Natasha, please visit Natasha Wiening Photography and see her wonderful work.  Her photography truly is an artwork to treasure.

Purple Mohair Wrap

Fuzzy Novelty Bonnet

Mint Mohair Wrap

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