Thursday, 30 August 2012

Teddy Bear Teddy Bear

After a very unproductive knitting month, I decided to get stuck in and managed to get these 2 adorable hats done on Bank Holiday Monday! Thank you Bank Holiday because if it were not for the day off, my knitting count for August would truly have been zero!


These little guys are soon to be followed by a range of soft textured neutral coloured teddy hats with detachable bows for boy/girl combinations...

 Can't wait to get started on them! 

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Quite a month...

I can make up a 100 excuses for why I haven't blogged or knitted, but the truth is... I have been baking.  It was my daughters 2nd birthday so I decided to bake her cake, which just led to baking another for a very dear little boys 2nd birthday.

So while its great to celebrate, I have just a few too many birthday's in August, including mine and my husbands.  Needless to say, my back pocket is feeling a touch empty and my thighs a 'touch' cuddlier!
My other hobby!
This is the Toy Story cake I made for Caleb with help form his mom Tracy, one of the few people who I regularly get to see and spend alot of time with!

Now that its all calmed down and I am not stressing about sugar paste and sugar overload I can get back to knitting some pretty nifty props and updating the website and facebook pages.
If you have anything props in mind, drop me an email, I am always looking for new things to try and pics to inspire me!

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